Our mother is dying slowly and badly from heart failure. She s almost passed away several times in the last 3 months. She was comatose in the last 30 days and pulled out. She has the best care, but it doesn t really help much. Her hands, feet, and ears are purple and blue. The whole family is ragged from the rollercoaster stress. Is there any good way to deal with this? My concentration is poor and decision making is difficult. I make the decisions for Ma s care, but everything else is really hard right now. I think that my overall performance should be better. Any suggestions from people who ve been through this would be appreciated. (Hospice is involved, but they are of limited value.) Something to know is that we want Mom to pass on. That sounds bad, but she s been sick a long time, and we want her suffering over. She is an incredibly resolute person. Medically, she shouldn t be alive but here she remains. It must be her choosing.