My mother has been unwell for years (supposedly diagnosed with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities around 1985) but seems to be getting much worse these days. She swears at me every time I (her only daughter) beg her to see a doctor to get to the bottom of this. I feel guilty because I can t do anything for her, other than help her. Her symptoms are numerous and varied, including: Severe migraines, frequent nosebleeds on the same side as the migraines (right side), visual disturbances (black spots, blinders), dizziness , nausea, loss of appetite , diarrhea 8+ times a day, yellow diarrhea, jaundice (face - skin only), abdominal pain that sometimes radiates to the back, rectal bleeding (several years now -- but she REFUSES to see a doctor), chills, low basal temperature as low as 95.4 that may go up to 98.8 in a couple of hours, severe sweating with exertion, flushing/sweating at night while reading in bed, occasional pain that sometimes starts around her right neck/jaw and radiates (still refuses to see a doctor)... you get the idea. Do you think she could have pancreatic cancer or lymphoma or some other type of cancer that could be causing such a weird and scary cluster of symptoms?