my 10 yr old son had a migraine 6 weeks ago and when he woke i thought he had a stroke,his mouth had drooped and he could not form sentences slurring words too,he also had numbness in his arm.i brought him to hospital and they kept him overnight because of famiy history he was diagnosed with hemiplegic migraine.his symptoms only lasted about 45 mins but for about 4 weeks after he was slurring his words p,s d,s b,s etc and some days was very noticable and his eye was drooping from time to time.this has stopped since then the odd slurred word now.i was wondering are these symptoms part of the migraine ,should they have lasted so long,is it something i need to get checked they are not seeing him again for 6 mths unless he has another hemiplegic migraine numbness slurring,then i have to bring him back for more extensive testing.normal migraines they said to treat him at home.thanks sorry its so long