Dear Thilaka,
Thanks for Using health care magic. I am sure you as a mother would be really concenred about your child's ability to concentrate as it affects a lot of things in her life, especially academics.
An adult has a normal attention span of 25-30 minutes and we could try and concentrate some more and extend it to say 45 min. This is the reason that class duration for children in school is 30-40 minutes.
Now you can asess if your girl really has concentration problems-does she sit for 20-30 min at stretch and then get up or can she not even sit for 5-10 min.What happens when she's eating or watching TV?
Does her concentration gets affected while doing some specefic tasks or subjects, as tasks considered boring or difficult may also affects our ability to do it with full concentration.
You said she is childish. Is she your only child or is she the youngest one in the family? Where does she fall when comapred with other 12 year olds. Sometimes entering teenage demands a lot of responsibility from the child and that may make them regress a little.
Please make a note of all of the above things and then decide if she's actually in a problem situation .
Some tips :
Help your daughter make a schedule where she's sitting only for 20-30 min for studying and then gets a break for 5 min where she can drink water or just get up and come back to her seat. help her break the chapters into parts and study rather than reading the entire chapter in one go.
You could ask her to strike out all the "e" on a page in a magazine or newspaper and ask her to self check as how many "e" were omitted or wrong alphabets cancelled ..then she could do this activity everyday before like a mind game with challanges of doing it in lesser time each time and with more perfection.
Therse are only some tips and if you still feel that her concentration is so low that its affecting her misreably in all aspects like academics or personal life then you would need to take her to a clinical
psychologist for a detailed assessment and therapy.
Hope this helps you move forward and I am here to assist you with any such queries.
Thanks and Regards
Smriti Sawhney
Clinical Psychologist
RCI Reg no -A-12344