What are we doing wrong? My husband has had numerous health problems and has not be able to get disability.?
In the 1980's he had hernia repair and the following year his appendix ruptured. The Dr. told him he would start to have back problems, little did he know that he has had them all his life. His x-ray shows that he has had a neck fracture. In 1992 he was referred to a neurosurgeon and had a lamenectomy and lost most of his spinal fluid through the surgical sight the next week. He had to be re-hospitalized 4 days. In less than a year he had to have a discectomy and it abcessed causing temporary paralization. re-hospitalized 3and 1/2 weeks and the surgery had to be redone. Then in 2000 his BP was outrageous due to the pain and he had the first of three heart attacks before the age of 40. He has 2 stents, reoccuring migaines, carpal tunnel syndrome and now he is unable to sleep lying down, he has a smothering sensation. We now have no insurance and Home Depot fired him because he can't do the work yet he can't get disability. Now a Dr. said that he is not getting nearly enough oxygen .
We wrote to our Congressman. Sad news , even our Congressman died waiting on anything productive to be done. Thanks for the encouragement but I don't think we have enough time to go through all the red tape of the Social Security Administration again. Even if he does have that much time, since he has been unable to work regular since 1992 he would no longer be eligible to get S.S. disability. We had three minor children of our own when this all began and now we have three minor grandsons in our care. I feel so let down buy all the bureaucracy.