I have lyme disease for 20 some years never had a possative test, but was very sick, i think it was my 3rd 1, the last 1 in 90, was the 1 with a bulls eye rash, but it was after a operation, didn,t show anyone, we went camping, 4 yrs later and many drs, testing, etc, he came up with lyme. found a family dr to treat me, i,m blessed. I went to sapport groups in the 90,s, a doctor was ahead of it. Since i,m still on antibiotics doing well, with keeping a good emune system,Never spent alot of money, i knew what worked by telling them how i feel. My problem is we heard of plum1, milatary lab, for exsperaments with chemicals, hush, harvert and yale were sapose to be envolved. Thats when they had a chemical leak, and the children in Lyme Conneticut got sick, alot died in the 70,s, i think agent orange and lyme are linked, i,m not a professional, but have common sence,Both chemicals. There is sapose to be a inside hospital to treat there employees, so there has to be something, maybe a antidote, its a cover up, and lyme don,t have to be complecated, all you have to do is remember how you are, and if your different, sick, different ways, camping or outdoor activeates, etc,many ways. But if you mention lyme to doctors they think your nuts, and don,t want to here about it. never heard of it. What do you think of the 2 is it linked?