Thanks for your query.
Noted the history of having bowel problems of long term effects of opiates used for back problem. You have a
diarrhea and feel like have to go all the time, there is also pain on the right side of the abdomen and tenderness too.
My thoughts as per the history your have provided:
Opiates actually cause
constipation and fecolith formation which remain impacted in the colon; hence the diarrhea must be due to the side leak from the impacted fecoliths.
But this has to be confirmed.
I would advise you the following:
Get an X-ray of the abdomen to see for fecal loading in the colon.
If present you need a proper evacuation by
enema and if needed the soap and water enema.
If there are no fecoliths,
colonoscopy and
CT scan of the abdomen may give further diagnosis assisted by the tests of stool, urine and blood.
Al the management will depend upon the findings .