Hello dear,
Thank you for your contact to health care magic.
I read and understand your concern.
I am Dr Arun Tank answering your concern.
No, it sounds normal to you.
Ejaculation period can range from few minutes in various individual.
So two to three minutes can be normal in you.
You should increase your frequency for
masturbation. Because of the decrease frequency of masturbation you are facing the nightfall. As you increase the frequency night fall will disappear.
Masturbation is not the abnormal thing not it will harm you. So you can do it and enjoy it.
Your organ size is normal and need not to worry. Retraction of foreskin is some what tough in erect penis. So if you are having this problem than you are normal and need not to worry.
You can do intetcourse with this organ. You will do it successfully. Please wear condom while doing sex this will help in prevention of STDs.
I will be happy to answer your further concern on bit.ly/DrArun.
Thank you,
Dr Arun Tank
Infectious diseases specialist,