Hi - I got very drunk one Sunday a few weeks ago and a lot of negative thoughts about my self, my life, my self-image self-worth etc all came to the surface in one go. Following this, some members of my family have encouraged me to go to a pyschiatrist. I am afraid of the consequences of entering into formal psychiatric care on the basis of one negative episode after what has been an intensely difficult year (2 close family bereavements, a relationship break-up, change of job and the achievement of a new academic qualification). I am and always have been interested in and aware of my own emotional health and have never been afraid to confront any problems or issues in my life. I am currently attending a counsellor who has given me tools and resources to assist me in maintaining good mental and emotional health, but because I am attending a counsellor and not a psychiatrist , my family think I am trying to avoid my issues and want me to have a psychiatric assessment. I don t believe I need this but would be prepared to undergo such a process if it gave conclusive answers. I have never been prescribed medication for a mental disorder . I am 52, female, single with an adult son who lives overseas. I feel I am being rail-roaded onto a path I don t need to travel and yet, I understand their concern. I know I shouldn t drink when I m feeling vulnerable - yet, I did on this occasion and I have made myself vulnerable to the judgement of others. Should I hand over my life to be scrutinised and analysed on the basis of other people s concerns just to prove a point or can I make a stronger case for my own well-being by continuing to take responsibility in my own way and on my own terms?