Hello, I am having issues with my right foot . I am a 33 year old male and this problem has existed for several years now but has progressively gotten worse over the past 2 years. it seems to be mostly in the area between the big toe and where the big toe connects to the rest of the foot on the bottom side of my foot. as i spend more time on it throughout the day it spreads slowly back into the main muscle of my arch. it is a painful but more so it feels kind of Nerve-ish kinda like when you hit your funny bone. later in the day it feels like its swollen but doesn t look like it. when i wake up in the morning it feels fine and slowly gets worse by the end of the day, no matter how much or little i m on it. I went to see a foot doctor here is what he said... there is a round tendon that connects the toes to the foot that help to spring up as we walk and mine on my big toe is two little circles meaning either i was born that way or I injured it at some point but should be memorable because it would be extremely painful that very moment if so. he taped it up to release tension and said keep it that way for two days, gave me a prescription and seemed to believe I would be all better afterwards, although he did not suggest i stay off it, i did manage to completely stay off it for two whole days, but still no results. sorry to be so long but does this sound like anything you have dealt with before? I really hope it is fixable. hank you for your time, and i look forward to hearing back soon