the best way to prevent an unsightly scar or reduce the cosmetic appearance of it is to do a good job caring for the wound. Use these three steps:
- Clean out a fresh cut or scrape: Soothe and clean the wound with cool water. Then remove any pebbles or splinters with alcohol-sterilized tweezers. Gently wash around the wound with soap and a washcloth.
- Keep it covered: Covering your cut or scrape helps it heal by barring bacteria, dirt, and other irritants
- Don't pick at scabs: If you pick off the scab, you may not only reopen the wound and introduce bacteria, you could also create a larger scar.
Even if you care for a wound perfectly, you may still end up with a scar. That's because some people are just more prone to scarring and some places on the body are just more prone to
scars. A wound doesn't need to be deep or severe to leave a scar.
If you are so worried about scarring (and I know it is mainly cosmetic concern), then a plastic surgeon (even though very expensive) could work miracles and make your
nostril as smooth as new.
Wish you all the best.