Welcome to HCM!
On reding your question I found that your concerns are of foggy ness, difficult in waking up in morning and pain in body, these increase when fan is running at high speed. your work profile is sedantry, mostly sitting inform t of computer for long hours.
From my clinical experience I feel that your problems are somewhere related to your continuous sitting in front of computer...you have to look at the screen due to which there is a constant strain in neck and shoulder muscles...
Your weight , height and age are suggesting that others wise you are a healthy male, and not addicted to any substance. However, had I been at your place I would visit a doctor and get my basic routine tests done. You should get your blood pressure , sugar levels, lipid,
thyroid and
liver function tests done, may be an X. Ray neck also will be required to rule out
cervical spondylosis ( as such symptoms are seen in it ) . you have not mentioned about your work routine, if there are shifts in your work, then this can be one of the reasons of your condition.
I feel that you should:
-- start some neck exercises and learn few exercises which can be done while sitting in office chair ( when you will search, you will get them easily in internet), this will help you feel good, and relax you while working
-if possible, start taking a break of 5 minute every one hour or so, in which you should get up and move around/ or atleast look away from the computer screen
- for your problem of difficulty in getting up, one needs to know what is your routine, at what time you go to bed? the reasons behind it?
fix a time for sleeping and getting up, if there are sleep problems which are causing troubles in morning , the you have to meet the doctor and discuss this issue. It will not be wise to start any medicine for the same without finding the actual reason.
- pain in body and foggy ness is most possibly related to
stress at work or
fatigue...in rare case there may be an organic cause involved which needs a CAT scan of brain to check , but it is very less likely in your case, so please donot worry.
only aftre talking with you in detail and getting proper tests one can treat you correctly.
So, please see a doctor, it will surely help you!
Feel free to a ask more queries
Dr. Manisha Gopal