Normally couples married for one year have intercourse 2-3 times a week. But having less frequency does not point out towards any specific disorder especially when it is not associated with any problem with sexual performance (Erectile Dysfunction/
Premature Ejaculation) or other depressive/
anxiety features (decreased interest in pleasurable activities/sadness of mood, hopelessness, death wishes).
Its a possibility that he may be stressed out and not yet ready for kids therefore not going for intercourse. You need to talk to him and be open about your desires of sexual gratification so as you two can sort this out to resume your healthy sexual life. You may have to let him see the woman in you so as he should be attracted to you sexually more frequently.
The reason for his lack of sexual desire if persists despite that may be
depression, low
testosterone (male sex hormone) levels, or other medical conditions such as
diabetes or
thyroid problem which decreases the libido.
Since the reason for your depression is lack of sexual gratification by your husband, that is the treatment for you. If your depression persists, see a
psychiatrist and get couple counseling.
Hope the answer is helpful. Take care and feel free to ask queries.