Thanks for the query.
The possible causes for your problem are :
Urinary tract infection presents with symptoms like increased frequency of urination, painful micturition, blood in the urine etc.
Vaginal infection can lead to swelling and
redness of the
labia minora.
-Rough intercourse can lead to labial swelling, redness and urinary tract infection also.
-As the swelling is unilateral, one more possibility is presence of
Bartholin abscess containing pus and blood.
By examination only, the exact cause for the problem can be identified.
So better to consult gynecologist once and get examined.
If she recommends go for urine microscopy, culture and sensitivity, vaginal swab for culture and sensitivity.
By this workup the possible cause for your problem can be identified and treated.
Local and systematic antibiotics may help in curing the condition.
Sitz bath can help in decreasing the symptoms to some extent.
Take care.