1. Atripla is a fixed dose combination drug for the treatment of HIV infection, and contains three drugs (emtricitabine-tenofovir-efavirenz), and is once a daily pill.
2. check for any renal and
hepatic insufficiency with
creatinine clearance and liver function test.
3. FATIGUE along with tiredness,gastro intestinal distress and skin discoloration are the common side effect of this drug.
4. any severe side effects like
hallucinations,depression, sleeplessness?
5. while this combination is helpful in reducing
viral load and improving CD4 count, as also suggested by your history,still some patients have difficulty in tolerating the side effect of atripla mainly efavirenz.
6. new alternative 'Complera' contains
rilpivirine instead of efavirenz, along with other 2 mentioned drugs, and has shown to be a valid and safe alternative.