well, I m 15 and I noticed a couple weeks ago maybe the lips of my vagina were a little itchy, but I ignored it because I didn t think it was a big deal, I have a boyfriend and yes we do stuff, but just starting last weeks whenever I pee it feels like a bunch of pressure goes to my clit and it hurts my whole vagina to pee. and my Clif hurts when I pee and the inside of my vagina. I just starting taking birth control , and me and my boyfriend had sex for the first time but he had a condom on, and he didnt really go in all the way.. but he did go in.. I just feel really uncomfortable down there! I think it s a uti , but my whole vagina burns when I pee not just my clit and after I pee it feels like I need to go more or something, but I really don t need to go more. an after I m done the inside of my vagina is still stinging! please help