What could be causing my knuckles, wrists and ankles to be so stiff? Everything I research suggests arthritis. I'm a 26 year old male so to the best of my knowledge this is an unlikely possibility. It started with my knuckles, I've never been a person who pops their knuckles but a few weeks ago I started to get stiff fingers and the urge to do so. This is probably unrelated but I have been experiencing very cold hands from what I understand can be caused by either my daily adderral prescription and/or my 5mg norco prescription for herniated and bulging lumbar discs. But possibly connected to hand issue? For the last week my wrists and ankles have been stiff constantly with neither mobility nor lack of help. All day long I am bending my wrists back and forth and rolling my feet to the side in order to apply pressure to my ankle. In both areas I am doing this HARD. It feels good to an extent but does not completely relieve the issue by any means and goes back to being stiff immediately after. I have worked a desk job at an engineering firm for the last 5 years, therefore a lot of my time is spent at a computer but skeptical to this being the issue. Also probably unrelated but I was recently diagnosed with mrsa after a number of large painful abscesses. I talked to 5-7 different medical professionals during this between doctors, nurses, ER, etc. all who told me immediately that these abscesses were spider bites until I demanded a test after I researched my issues and test confirmed mrsa was the culprit. I mention this because I read of an individual having similar stiffness after an insect bite. Could I of been bitten then during an active abscess contracted mrsa and the insect bite is causing the stiffness? Doubtful, but I'm no medical professional.