Thanks for writing your query to us.
Its very good to hear that you have managed to keep your sugars under control.
HbA1c - 6.2 is a good control.
One thing to worry is that your
cholesterol is on higher side & your doctor had prescribed right medicine that will help to keep cholesterol under control.
Along with medicine you also need to follow exercise & diet modification. Include more of fibre in your diet. Flaxseed are good source of omega 3 fatty acid that controls cholesterol so try to include that in your diet.
YOu also mentioned that you are developing
tingling & burning sensation in feet & itching also.
Diabetes patients develop periperal neuropathy due to longstanding effect of high blood sugar on nerves So they develop tinfling
numbness, so always keep your sugars under control. Other cause of tingling numbness can be due sideeffect of tablet
Itching in feets can be due to
fungal infection of feet as diabetics are more prone to fungal. So visit your doctor & let him see whether it is due to fungal infection or dryness of feet.
Follow diet, exercise & continue medicines as prescibed by doctor to keep HbA1c under control.
Wish you good health.