Hi! I fell down an entire flight of steps three years ago, while carrying some dog beds. The beds protected my upper half, but I hit my legs, and somehow ended up hitting the insides of both legs around the ankles. My doctor checked me out, and had my legs x-rayed, but no breaks appeared. A while later I found I had hard lumps on both ankles where they had been hit, and they were sore if pressed on. The doctor told me I had deep tissue bruising. They really never bothered me until now. Now the lump around my ankle on my left leg is really hurting. Sometimes it throbs, and sometimes there is a shooting pain. And sometimes it hurts where my ankle and foot are joined, or around the back of my calf. There is no swelling or redness, and the pain is not constant. I do plan on calling my doctor, but wondered what your thoughts are.