On Monday i started feeling sick but i thought it was a mild cold, i noticed a pain on the back area of my tongue. So i looked with a bright light into a mirror and there was a small patch with like 3 small wart looking bumps, and another with the same description but much bigger, also had white looking patches on my soft palate. On Wednesday i went to my dctors appointment, they checked me and did a swab test of which im supposed to be hearing from next week, they prescribed penicilin fot my swollen tonsils i was running a bit of a fever that day. I have been extremely thirsty to the point that when i talk it gets so dry i kind of choke and am constantly drinking water. Today Saturday i looked into my mouth again and i noticed that those white patches on my soft palate had spread around my gums, the right and left sides of my submandibular gland look white on the inside its not superficial. Also my tongue has the appearance of the geographic tongue condition and my teeth have become significantly yellow. I am very worried as to what i could have. What do you think?