I was diagnosed with uterine didelphys and endometriosis when i was 19 and pregnant with my first child. I have since had another child and had very complicated pregnancies both times. I am now 27 years old and have suffered with ovarian cysts , extremely painful menstrual cramps, heavy bleeding and the newest symptom excrutiating lower back pain . I have seen my gyn, and all but begged for a hyst. She says i am too young, but has ordered some tests the latest test was an ultrasound and they found a spot on my right ovary. The ultrasound tech couldnt twll me wht it was just said that my dr would call me. They did and want me to come in tomorrow to discuss the results. My question is could the lower back pain be caused by the didelphys or the edometriosis? Is it reasonable after all the problems/pain ive had to want a hyst?