Hi there,
Thanks for your query.
Firstly, whenever
paralytic stroke takes place, either due to
brain hemorrhage or disruption of blood supply to a part of the brain, damage to the central region of the affected part is irreversible, while the peripheral part is partially salvageable. Hence, the parts of the body, represented by the peripheral area of the lesion, recover to a variable extent.
In your wife's case, the right arm has been affected more than the lower limb. Further, destruction of the nerves and brain are irreversible. Therefore,
physiotherapy will help only to variable extent. Simple, regular use of hand springs or even a rubber ball compression will improve the power in the fingers and grip. Chances of improvement of
wrist drop are however, remote.
Lastly, there are NO drugs to improve the wrist weakness.
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Fond regards and have a nice day
Dr. Rakesh Karanwal