thanks for using HCM.
They are two main groups of intestinal parasites; protozoans which are single cell organisms and helminths (worms) both of which can cause similar symptoms such as abdominal pains,
nausea and
weight loss etc. Occasional, in people highly infested with worms, adults worms may be passed out through the anus or mouth or nostrils.
From what you described, its obvious that you have a helminthic (worm) infection. Such infections are favored mainly by poor hygiene ( not cleaning hands after stool, eating food stuff without thorough washing, eating undercooked food, drinking contaminated water etc) and moving with bare feet. Common intestinal worms include Ascaris, hook worms, pin worms and tape worms.
The symptoms you have listed (worms in stool, weight loss, weak immune system, decreased nutrients) are typical of parasitic intestinal parasitic infections and in your case severe infection.
Intestinal worms generally response well to anti worm medicines such as
mebendazole, praziguantel etc and only in occasional cases that surgery is needed to removed the worms.
I will advised you see your Doctor to put you anti-worm medicines and give you advice on diet as you need meals that have high fiber and rich in nutrients. Vitamine C and Zinc supplements will greatly help your immune system. Yeast is part of the intestinal flora and its only when it begins pathological that it poses a problem, so not to lay so much emphasis on it.
Hope i did help and if you have any questions do not hesitate.