Hi, I'm a 16 year old boy, and I am slightly concerned about my penis. From my earliest memories my penis has been exactly how it is now, it doesn't seem like it suddenly happened, but I know that it is different to the majority of other guys. My penis, when erect, does not just go straight like a normal erect penis, but has a slight curvature, so it sort of comes up and then bens back down. It is not a huge bend, so I didn't know whether it is something to be concerned of, or whether it will about my sexual relationships in the future. Also, all over my penis, apart from the underside of the shaft, I have tiny little bumps, they don't hurt, you can't pop/squeeze them or anything, they are just little bumps all over the shaft, so I was also wondering whether I would need these to be checked out too.
Any help would be appreciated,