I have a peptic ulcer , or so I think, hunger burning pain relieved with food or antaciids. Can t afford to go to a dr at the present. Am a regular user of ibuprophen, 800 mg, on a daily basis, sometimes 4 times a day, have been know to take them when drinking alcohol, using them also to help with heavy menstruation , I am 52, so I do go some time without periods. I take Prilosec every morning, started with zantac , changed today, been doing this for a week. Drastically changed my diet , no soda , no Caffeine, no pork, no red meat. Drinking water, fat free milk, some chicken and veggies. Now my question. My stools are great as far as texture and times I go, but they have gone from a med - dark brown, to a golden yellow brown color. When I wipe, and excuse me for the graphic nature, it is more yellow. The color could be described as a golden rod color. Is it normal for your stool to change color with a huge diet change. I must mention that I am also a hypochondriac, and this is driving me crazy. Have looked online everywhere, can t find any range of normal colored stool. Well too bad, at the moment, I can t afford to pay what is required to see the answer. Thanks, Karla