Hello, i am really confused right now.. this has never happened to me.. I will give you a quick run down.. First day of last period was 2/10/2013, fertile window was 20-26th according to my calendar app, ovulation day was 2/25.. i had my normal cramping, but increased discharge.. First week of March had different symptoms peeing more often, nausea, diarrhea and then constipation, breasts feel heavier and perkier, headaches, more cramping lower abdomen, moody, a hefty appetite , crave fruits, salads an ice cream, uterine cramping.. Expected period date was March 9th.. I am 3 days late took a test it was negative.. told my husband i was late but it may b my hormones are all jacked up since i had 2 cervical epidural injections cuz of a bad accident as a teenager causing nerve damage... Now this morning my husband an i started to have sex but stopped cuz i started.. It is very light light an i haven t even filled a pad yet, tampon actually hurt to have cuz my uterus is cramping.. idk what to think... When i was pg 7 years ago it took 5 pregnancy tests to finally say positive and then we miscarried at 11 1/2 weeks.. we have a beautiful, healthy 6 y o son no.. with him i had a cold much like now tested negative at home but positive at the doctor last time.. i am very intune w my body an knew both times at 3-4 weeks.. this time i am spotting, this a never happened to me b4 to b 3days late an then light bleeding w bright reddish blood to occur.. I am soo exhausted can barely keep my eyes open the last few days.. What could this b i am very concerned???