Thanks for the query to H.C.M. Forum.
Only one thing you mentioned in your query that you are having bleeding from one month . Dronis not effective , 10 mg
medroxyprogesterone ( meprate ) 3 tablets not effective , now increase dose 4 tablets.
If I were your treating doctor I would come up with these possibilities , these includes.
1 Any tumor in uterus, diagnosis can be confirmed by
ultrasound of uterus.
2 PCOD or Poly Cystic
Ovarian Disease , however in this condition , no so heavy bleeding but may be a
dysfunctional uterine bleeding . Diagnosis can be confirmed by ultrasound of both ovaries.
3 Blood disorder , diagnosis can be confirmed by blood examination for C B C , clotting &
bleeding time , calcium , platelets count.
So in my opinion this is absolutely useless to take drugs without knowing the exact diagnosis. So consult a gynecologist and get his opinion ( 2nd).
Good luck. Dr. HET