I am a 44 year old female. I had a spot in my groin area that appeared to be an infected hair. That was 12 weeks ago. My gynecologist looked at it and said to just leave it alone. When pressed on, it would slightly bleed an almost clear, sticky blood. I had a hysterectomy 10 weeks ago and my system is now all out of whack. It is not healing . A week ago, I went back to my gynecologist. She felt it and then pierced it. Only blood came out. She said leave it alone again. It looks like a bruise with a blister on top of it, the blister part being the size of a dime, the entire bruise/blister looking part, the size of a quarter. To touch, it feels smooth and fluid filled, like a blister. I have been putting bactroban on it but it hasn t changed. It hurts to the touch. I have never had anything like this. Can you tell me what it may be and how long it can stay there? I have been the MA to a gynecologist and have never seen this.