Hi Sir,uhm theres one day when me and my girlfriend was fooling around and my penis got pre-cum so i used my right hand to adjust my penis, and a bit of the precum have gotten on my hand when i pull my hand out of my pants after adjusting it.So i rubbed my thumb and fingers together to,,you know? kill the sperm..so i touched her wet vagina..i didn't insert my finger inside of her but just the part around her clit...so 2 days past after the incident and she began to have pregnancy symtoms, like craving for food, vomiting, Light Pink discharge its odourless but burning and a little itchy, headache, nausea, gets hungry easily, frequently going to the toilet peeing....her ovulation period starts roughly 2 - 3 days later not really sure..her period begins 17 days later from now..im really worried she might be pregnant..please help reply ASAP :'(