Aim 11weeks pregnant and about 5 days ago I noticed some red blod when I wiped, than two days later I had intercourse and I started spotting dark brown blood even with some tiny clots. I went to ER that day but after an ultrasound they said it was fine I got to see the baby and the beating heart . This was 2 days ago, last night I had more discharge but it was jelly, glue like brown discharge some pieces were as big as a tea spoon tmi. Sorry. Am I miscarrying? Even though the baby was fine, what is this stuff? The doc said old blood. With my first pregnancy 8 years ago I bled for a week, had three ultrasounds but everything was fine. If the bleeding is from a sensitive ervix after the intercourse, how long can it last? Also I just gave birth 9months ago through a c-section could this blood have something to do with the incision as my body is streching?