hi, I am 42 years old, 36 weeks pregnant. I have a marble size lump on my left posterior inner thigh. It is tender to touch (which is how I noticed it) and slightly red. I have varicose veins, both the spider veins and the big ropey ones and had an ablation in sept of 2012. I had one saline injection treatment the day before I found out I was pregnant, so I have not had any more. I work on my feet (12 hour shifts) and am still working. I have gestational diabetes and a history of Cardiomyopathy (EF now 52%) ..... I have always had more swelling in the left than in the right leg, and it has gotten progressively worse throughout my pregnancy. Recently never less than a 2+ pitting. I am concerned that it may be a blood clot although I do not have any severe pain in the leg. I have woke from sleep about 4-5 times with leg cramps in the left leg throughout the pregnancy. Just not sure if it is just another varicosity or a possible clot .... thank you