I had my ultrasound today at 27 weeks 5 days. The baby measured 2 lbs 3 oz which is a little small (15th percentile). I was also informed that the baby s long bones were measuring short but I was informed that this could be due to the fact that I am short (5 3 1/2 in) and not to worry yet. Everything else measured okay....brian, stomach, blood pressure, amniotic fluid levels, and blood flow through the placenta were all good. They want to start doing biophysical profiles everyweek just to make sure the baby is doing okay. I do have a prior hx of severe preeclampsia when I was 34 and delievered at 23 weeks and 6 days (1st pregnancy) and am now 37 and this will be my second pregnancy. So my question is how worried should I REALLY be?