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Premature ejaculation gets corrected with time and experience. So do not worry.
In the meantime the following measures can help you gain the confidence back.
1. Master's and Johnson's exercise - It involves start and stop process where in you pause and squeeze the base of penis for a few minutes before the tendancy to ejaculate and start the process again. This can be repeated as many times as interested.
2. Keegel's exercise - A group of exercise which helps in strengthening
pelvic floor muscles and splincters. You need to learn holding urine while urination. This helps strengthen the muscles and delays ejaculation.
3. Desensitization - Apply
anesthetic creams to the genital organs. It helps to delay ejaculation. Condom also works similarly. You may try it.
4. Increase the time spent on foreplay.
5. Some selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor group of drugs such as
dapoxetine are useful in the treatment of premature ejaculation. This drug has side effects and needs to be taken only upon a prescription of
urologist. If the earlier methods do not help you much, you may try this drug under supervision of your doctor.
Hope this helps.
All the best