Hello! I have bronchitis and the doctor reckons it could be bacterial, so put me on Amoxicillin for 10 days and Prednisone for 5 days plus Ipobrufen and Paracetamol (I started yesterday). When I do cough ( and I dare not) it feels as though my windpipe wants to explode. I work in early childcare and need to be back at work on Monday. How long will this be contagious as I would hate to infect any child? I'm in bed, resting and drinking heaps of water.
Besides a headache and feeling exhausted, I have no other symptoms - chest is clear, no runny nose, no temp (hardly possible) with all the meds. The phlegm I cough up is rusty to very dark brown. Does the Predisone have any side effects? Thank you! Kind regards. Gladys