Hi Mr. Satyasrikanth,
Very sorry to hear about your daughter, Hamsika. It is good that you have consulted a
pediatrician. I am assuming that her bowel has altered from before (be it frequency or volume of stools). Since you mentioned blood, it was prudent of you to get a physician consultation right away. So, good job there.
Pre prokid is a formulation consisting of normal healthy gut flora (friendly bacteria in the body). It will help boost your baby's immunity and prepare her to fight against infection. I would recommend that along with it, you should also maintain good hydration for your child by Oral rehydration solution.
Additional information: Usually, diarrhea in kids are viral (most of the times due to Rotavirus) and does not need antibiotics. However, the presence of
blood in stool (dysentery) may indicate some kind of infection for which specific antibiotics may be needed. There may be other causes like
malabsorption syndromes (
celiac sprue,
lactose intolerance,
tropical sprue) but blood in stools is unlikely. Your physician must have evaluated the baby with a detailed history and physical examination. If not done already, your baby may need to go through
stool test for blood, leukocytes, mucus, ova and parasites etc. If the baby's condition does not get better, please revisit your pediatrician.
Hope that helps.
Take care and be well.