Hi, thanks for asking in Healthcare Magic.
Isoniazid (INH),
Ethambutol and Pyrizinamide are the first line drugs used in the treatment of
tuberculosis. These drugs are tuberculocidal (kill the tubercle bacilli). The dose of INH is 300 mg, Rifampcin is 450 to 600 mg, Pyrizinamide is 1500 mg (that is why there are 2 tab) and Ethambutol is 800 to 1000 mg. Each kit contains tablets of varying dose combinations. All these tablets in the kit are taken together.
Pyridoxine 10 mg should be taken daily to reduce the side effects of INH.
Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programe recommends DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment - Short course) for the treatment of tuberculosis wherein the drugs are taken only thrice a week instead of daily. This is cost effective, results in reduced side effects and improves patient's compliance (capacity to take the tablet regularly).
As per the DOTS regimen you should take the kit as follows.
1. All tablets in the kit are taken once daily, thrice a week for 2 months and followed by
2. INH and Rifampicin alone, once daily, thrice a week for 4 months.
The tablets in kit should be taken after food.
I hope this is useful to you.