Psychiatrists like all the rest of us are humans too. They can not help if they can not see the patient. Why don't you utilise the home visit facilities that many of the psychiatrists offer now a days? If that is not possible there is the internet revolution which you can utilise to have an on-line video chat kind of consultation that some of the psychiatrists are offering. Finally, even you could go on your own to the psychiatrist and explain all the symptoms and give all the history so that the psychiatrist may decide what to do.
Also, you should be ready to administer the medication covertly ie. without her knowing it, subject to legal and good practise considerations in whatever country you are in, though I am guessing you are from India....my country.
In most of the countries, there are legal provisions to assess and treat patients against their will, if their mental status is considered to be so worse that they are at a risk to themselves or to their health or to others. This might be the last option.
From your brief history, it looks like your mother has
paranoia, though there may be hundred other things, which only a thorough assessment could tell. If it is paranoia/
delusion, the longer she is kept untreated, the worser is her chance to get better.
Please do seek help fast.
Good Luck to your mother and you.