My mother has pre- renal failure . she used pd for two years. then suddenly a combination of things caused near failure which made her switch to hemo. A sudden drop of about 30 bp points avg (i think it was from rx isosorbide dinitrate) along with about 5 days of what felt like trapped air in shoulder from not priming but i was watching the hole time. on fifth day i hooked her up and felt water on cath. I found a slit running down the side of cath. Got it replaced and the next night she had a 50% overfill. 2 days later i took her to er for confusion. she had had a bilateral stroke in a common aphasia area. she had hardly been eating for about a month which i eventually narrowed down to new rx renvela. once off it she ate good. two weeks later there s more confusion. she get s wrongly diagnosed with pnemonia twice in 1 week. she was given rx for doxycicline and cefpodoxaming daily for both wrong diagnosis. kidney now failing with uncooperative behavior, The switch to hemo starts, 1st cath is spasming and cloting by end of first week we were told it was low protien syndrome , it s replace and had apparently pulled out of position, 2nd cath goes one sesssion fine and starts to do same; we were told low protein agqain. it is replaced and was out of place, 3rd cath is given new path, works in hospital for first session. at clinic 2 days later its doing same thing. they get it to work after an hour. this was yesterday and all 3 failed in less than one month, cath is spasming to her breathing, what is going on?