Hello and welcome to HCM,
The stool examination report shows positive results:
There is evidence of infection by protozoa (
Entamoeba histolytica) and hook worms in your intestine.
The RBCs in the stool are secondary to the infection.
The bacteria (bacilli) are accompanies the infection by the worms.
Entamoeba infection occurs by feco-oral route or by drinking infected water.
Hook worm infestation occurs by walking bare feet on the soil infested by egg / ova of hook worm.
Pus cells are the cells which increase in face of infection.
You need to take anti-amoebic drugs and anti-heminthic drugs.
These drugs will completely clear away the infection.
Avoid drinking contaminated water and walking on soil bare feet to prevent infection in future.
Consult your physician for prescription of these drugs.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja P Wahal