Based on the description, let me try and explain what is going on and why do i think in such manner.
(A) lets deal with YELLOWISH-GREEN DISCHARGE - " This means you are suffering from
Their are various types of sexually transmitted disease and all have some commons stuff while some things are different,
1) If discharge is " grayish white or yellow and has fishy smell" its mostly bacterial vaginosis
2) If discharge with
pain during intercourse probably gonorrhea
3) If discharge is yellow-green, itchy, frothy, foul-smelling probably trichomoniasis
4) If discharge is white curd like its probably candidacies,
5) If pain/ burning while urination its
Urinary tract infection.
So its can't be determined from your description alone as too many possibilities as listed above,
Consult physician whom you are comfortable talking to (mostly a female physician I guess?)
Here is mostly what they will do.
1) do an visual inspection of your vaginal area
2) collect some sample for laboratory test
3) may be some
blood test if they have suspicion of systemic infection
4) may ask for testing for "HIV" (Mostly depends upon where you are as its recommended in USA to ask patient for that test - PLEASE DO NOT BE SCARED - ITS JUST A LEGAL FORMALITY IT DOES NOT MEANS YOU HAS AIDS/ HIV and should not be a reason not to take medical attention for present problems, if You wish you can deny the
HIV test.)
5) lastly they will treat it will some ANTIBIOTICS.
Lets dive bit in to details about OVULATION & become pregnant in terms of simple words.
The process know as "OVULATION" is when the female egg releases from OVARY, this occurs roughly between the 14 th -19 th day after the menstrual cycle (end of bleeding ), pregnancy means the meet in of the man's SPERM to the female's OVA- both have half genes which need to get together in order to form a complete structure, so the best possibility for the pregnancy is if the intercourse has occurred during those five days, other time their is no OVA present to meet the sperms hence no possibility of getting pregnant.
1) To check a pregnancy their are pregnancy test kit is available - its a kind of stick where you have to simply urinate on the stick as instructed in the instruction manual and the test will 90% correct in saying deciding the pregnancy is present or not ( test will work after 10 days of pregnancy occurs the earliest way to detect and do not involve any doctors help can be use at home ).
2) Missing a period/ menses will indirectly hint towards pregnancy.
3) Second way to know to do
ULTRASONOGRAPHY but it will pick the pregnancy after 1-2 months stage.
Hope it helps.