Hello. I am a 42 y.o. male with no hx of boils. Average health. Over the last 5 weeks I have developed 3 boils. 5 weeks ago the first one popped up overnight and has since been lanced, packed and healed. The second began 2 weeks ago. I've treated it at home with heat, clean bandages, and PRID. While the pus has stopped draining, the hard tissue under the skin is still present (1cm thick, 3 cm diameter). Doesn't hurt just a hard lump of tissue. The first two developed on my right torso (one near the hip, the first near my armpit. This last boil which just showed up today is in my left underarm. Still very small and hopefully won't have a growth spurt. My questions are how, if possible, do I keep it small and how do I help it to go through its healing cycle as quickly as possible? Also, what are some causes of sudden boils in a 42 y.o. male who is otherwise healthy?
Thank you.