About a month ago or a little more, I developed a small, three small, hard bumps on either side of my buttocks near the inside but closer to my vagina . I thought nothing of them, but in the past few days they have formed into fleshy, raised bumps that do not resemble a pimple , they are round almost like a pearl, but a little smaller. Two of them are skin colored, but the other is more red with a white center, and this one feels mildly irritated. It seems obvious to me since it is on both sides that it spread by contact. Again, they did not change for about a month, and all the sudden they are different. What could this be? I m nervous, as it seems that it could be an STD . But the weird thing is, it seems that I also have one on the right corner of my chin . It has been there almost two months (longer than the other two), and I had picked at it thinking it was a pimple, but it never healed. Should I see a doctor?