Dear friend, thanks for being at HCM.
it is really saddening to read this.
reaction to taxim can not cause this .
was an MRangiogram done ? what did it say?
she has infarctions (blood supply loss) in MCA and PCA territories, hence the prolonged
unconsciousness , which is not unusual.
she will be on ventilatortill she regains the control of her respiration and the tube in throat will be there till her airway control returns.
she may take variable time depending exact location and size of her infarct.
she may need a
tracheostomy. (vent in the throat airpipe)
neuro recovery may take 2-3 months and your treating
neurologist is the best person to answer you on this.
was there any venous sinus thrombosis?
looks like arterial infarct from the description.
she needs routine intensive care and
statin if arterial infarcts.
take care and keep posted .