Thanks for the query to H.C.M. Forum.
Q 1. Identify the reason for the particular problem.
First of all I want to tell you ,what is DIABETES?
Any situation associated with inappropriate hyperglycaemia is known as diabetes.
Common belief is that deficiency of
INSULIN is the main cause of diabetes, but this is wrong.
Glucagon play an important role in diabetes.
During fed and fasted ( after food and before food respectively) states metabolic homeostasis is maintained by neurohumoral and auto regulated levels of INSULIN & GLUCAGON in the portal and systemic blood.
This means these two hormones are responsible to maintain the blood
glucose level in our body.
One thing is to be noted that these two hormones are antagonistic of each other.
These two hormones are derived from BETA( B) & ALPHA (A) cells located in the close proximity of each other in the pancreatic islets of Langerhans.
Secretions of these hormones are regulated by the levels of metabolic fuels ( glucose and protein) in blood ( plasma).
Activity of the B cells is regulated by level of glucose in body.If glucose level is high insulin secretion increases from B cells.
Simultaneously there is decrease in the secretion of glucagon from the A cells.
In short we can say as level of glucose falls the level of insulin decreases.
If due to any reason, there is any
injury or due to any disease to B cells of
pancreas , the level of INSULIN will not maintained and there would be diabetes.
If glucagon level not maintained same thing will happen.
What are the causes of diabetes?
As mentioned above imbalance among level of INSULIN & GLUCAGON .
Regular uptake of large amount of glucose is the main cause ,if it is not utilized in body. Suppose we take large amount of glucose and do very hard work than this extra amount of glucose will be utilized hence no diabetes.
If large amount of glucose taken but not utilizes than bound to increase level of glucose in blood.
If large amount of glucose in blood ,it is natural insulin will be there to control this.
As insulin is secreted by B cells ,they have to work extra and at last these cells damages and no insulin and diabetes.
For control we have to take Insulin in injection form.
In reciprocal same thing happen with glucagon hormones.
over feeding,
any disease as above mentioned to these cells develops diabetes.
This is the brief reply of Q no 1.
Q 2 Is this diet linked to the diet of aboriginals ?
The answer of this question is in the first question.
If diet loaded with glucose absolutely and that is not utilized diabetes would develops. This is a subject of research.
Q 3 What can medical pensioners and health officer do to help these health issues?
Here I would say that , if some one is able to remove the causes, which produces diabetes , we will be able to control this disease and same work can do pensioners and health officers.
Hope I have answered your question.
If further any question I will reply gladly.
Best wishes for students.