Thanks for your query.
Noted the history and understood your concerns.
Feeling full in spite of passing stool,
bloating and pain in the belly that is relieved by passing stool can be due to the following conditions:
Colitis causing pain and bloating but relieves once the colon is empties by passing motion.
I would advise you the following in such a situation:
Get the stool tests done.
Ultrasonography for hepato-biliary system, particularly the stones.
Tess of blood as routine, CBC and sugar.
Get a proper symptomatic treatment and get treated as per the clinical findings that your Doctor gets and thus getting cured of the problems.
Remember that stress and anxiety can cause more problems.
gall stones or
cholecystitis is found get operated.
A course of an antibiotic and,
Metronidazole should help you, but needs a prescription of a local Doctor.