hi there, UTIs are unfortunately more common in females as they have a small
urethra and its close proximity to the vagina which is a steady source of bacteria. The treatment for that is of course a prologed course of low dose antibiotic but besides that you could also follow these simple steps to stay sym0tom free for longer period of time.
1. Drink plenty of water/fluid
2.Do not whithhold the urge to urinate or do not keep a full bladder for long time and empty it periodically
3. Wear clean sundried undergarments changing it frequently at least once a day.
3.Empty your bladder before and after sexual intercource.
4. Avoid frequent douching especially with antiseptics
5. use soft toilet rolls post voiding for wiping and don't be too vigrous.
6.Avoid too much handling of genitalia or foreplay which increases the chance of introducing infection.
Hope these simple measures help in releiving your symptoms . Take care.