Repeated occurrence of
boils is called
furunculosis.Usually, the cause is bacteria such as staphylococci that are present on the skin. Risk factors for furunculosis include
Poor hygiene and use of immunosuppressive drugs.
Anaemia etc
Staphylococcus aureus has the ability to acquire antimicrobial resistance easily, making treatment difficult. Knowledge of the antimicrobial resistance of
S. aureus is important in the selection of antimicrobials for treatment.
Staphylococcus aureus re-infection may result from contact with infected family members, contaminated fomites, or from other extra-nasal sites.
The most important independent predictor of recurrence is a positive family history. Boils are spread among individuals by touching or bursting a boil. Furunculosis is a common disease, particularly with deficient hygiene. A large number of S. aureus organisms are frequently present on the sheets and underclothing of patients with furunculosis and may cause re-infection of patients and infection of other members of the family.[
Take the following measure
Take care of your nutrition
Correct your anaemia
Rule out diabetes
Keep very good personal hygiene by repeated hand and body wash with water and anti microbial soap.
Wash your bed sheets and underclothes regularly.
Get the culture done from the pus obtained from boils and take anti biotic accordingly in proper dose.
Consult your doctor and discuss with him.