hi,..thanks for the query.
It is certainly not normal to have any
bruise in any of these areas mentioned by you.Especially the amount of time you mention, should not cause the same.There are may possibilities in this case.First, you have to ascertain that they are bruises ..Several lesions might mimic a bruise ,so it is essential to rule that out first.Next , you should have an investigation of your blood , to find out any
bleeding disorder. These can only be advised when you follow up with a
dermatologist after seeing your lesions when they are these.
There is a possibility of Schambergs Disease,also known as "
Progressive pigmentary dermatosis of Schamberg," which is a chronic discoloration of the skin found in people of all ages, usually affecting the legs. It slowly spreads throughout the body, and is most common in males. Schamberg's disease is caused by leaky blood vessels near the surface of the skin, capillaries, which allow red blood cells to slip through into the skin. The red blood cells in the skin then fall apart and release their iron which causes a rust color.The lesions are most frequent on the lower limbsThere are usually no symptoms, although there may be some slight itching. The eruption may persist for many years once visible.
Hope this helps.Take care!