HI, I ve have red patchy places across my mid to upper abdomen for almost 2 years now. For awhile the only time they really bothered me was when it was hot out or I just freashly showered in hot water; It becomes itchy. About a month I decided to get a tattoo on my chest and shortly after two abcesses formed right next to the tattoo. Another day passed and one of them because obviously infected and very much larger, I used table salt, flushed with peroxyde regularly and it went away in a matter of days and healed leaving me with two scared. Not too much longer others began to form with the grand total being about 10 all together with in the last month, at first I assumed they were simply ingrown hairs from where I had to shave my chest from the tattoo but I am beginning to suspect something much worse, such as cellulitus or staph. What do you think? And is there anything I can do on a budget with no insurance?