I have a cluster (about 4cm across) of reddish/brown spots on the top of my right foot, accompanied by mild edema. The spots are uniform in shape and size: circles, about 1/2 a centimeter across, and itch only if I scratch them. They're not raised really, but if I run my fingers over them you can feel very slight bumps. The cluster is getting bigger. I had 10 when I first noticed it, maybe 10 days ago. Now, there are 17.
I am a 52 year old female and weigh 260 lbs on a 5'6" body. I take Lipitor, Levothyroxine, Cymbalta, Omeprazole, generic Wellbutrin, Vivanse and Trazadone. I have only one kidney (had a laproscopic donor nephrectomy). I smoke about a pack a day, don't exercise enough, and my eating habits are awful (mostly because the Vivanse takes away my appetite until Bam! I'm starving.)